graphic illustration of a doctor pointing at a holographic image on the brain

PRESTIGE-AF Escape Room returns to STEM Futures

In August, the STEM Futures programme led by Imperial College London returned with the PRESTIGE-AF team being invited back for the second year running to exhibit the Escape Room.

STEM Futures is an outreach programme offering activities and support for students of Black heritage to explore STEM degrees and careers through lectures, subject-specific workshops and sessions around careers, personal development and study skills.

PRESTIGE-AF Communication Manager Harry Jenkins and Communication Coordinator Ally Rayner led the GCSE and A-level students through several sessions of the Escape Room. The students were divided into teams and competed against one another for bragging rights of being the fastest team to escape the clinic.

The students were required to work as a team to tackle various puzzles, crack codes and uncover hidden messages to find out the information required to enrol a patient on the PRESTIGE-AF clinical trial.

The students noted the importance of clear communication and teamwork (as well as learning a thing or two about stroke prevention) as standout takeaways from taking part in the Escape Room. 

As the project approaches closure in November, currently over 500 people have participated in the PRESTIGE-AF Escape Room. If you’re interested in learning more about the creation of the Escape Room please reach out to the team at